Standards and rules for digital financial services

Participants in the panel discussion opening the anniversary event will discuss the preliminary results of the project and, in particular, discuss the qualitative changes in both areas that have occurred in the financial market since 2015.
The main and obvious change is the widespread adoption of digital financial technology and the growing importance of fintech companies.
How do the new realities affect the implementation of national strategies for financial literacy and financial inclusion?
How and by whom are standards for the protection of consumers of digital financial services developed and approved?
How are business models and customer service principles of financial institutions changing under the influence of new technologies?
What is the expert role of professional associations and unions in the financial market?
What opportunities and risks does the digital era present for consumers of financial services?
Who shapes the standards for protecting the rights of consumers of financial services in the digital environment?
How to ensure the development of sustainable digital financial skills among various categories of citizens?